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Y’all. I’ve got lists for days. Lists of things that need to get done, and that get re-written week after week, moving one thing off...

An Earth-shattering Insight
Happy spring y’all! We cut our first daffodils from the yard yesterday. And by we, I mean my three-year-old yanked them out and brought...

But so are you!
Just having a day where I'm feeling the need to put this into the universe. Whatever is holding you back, whatever is tough at this...

Leveraging the Positives in Change
Sometimes your morning in the wintery Pacific Northwest starts with your car being sucked into the snowy ditches on the side of your...

Overcoming Death by Meetings
Wow! 2019 has brought tons of new clients, both individuals and within organizations. It has been an exciting (and busy!) time, and I...

Fresh Starts
I hope this turn of a calendar has found you with a sense of renewal and openness for what may come. Yes, this newsletter is something...

A Little Happier, Sometimes
The email title showed up in my inbox on December 31, a day I use to set my intentions for the next year. And for some reason, the title...

Imposters & Saboteurs
A few weeks ago, I was working with a client who had just been offered an amazing opportunity to do something she loves and excels at,...

Frogs & Disaster Scripts
A while back, I shared my fear of frogs and especially their unpredictable hoppy-ness. And this particular frog was in our basement. Cue...

The Journey for Joy
Right now, I have an obsession with joy. Not just happiness, but true joy, the feeling of losing track of time from being completely...
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