The 40(ish) Before 40(ish) List
I've been talking about it for months, adding ideas to a note in my phone, considering what others have shared about turning 40, and thinking about what's important to me. I've joked that there should be a NSFM (not suitable for my mom) list (maybe there is...). I feel like each of these things has a story behind it, more context I could share. And maybe I will throughout this year. But for now, my 40(ish) before 40(ish) list. Health/Wellbeing 1. Mammogram w/ dense tissue 2. Primary Care Physician established 3. Write out values with definitions/litmus tests of them 4. Set myself up to live past 80 5. Exercise for 40 days straight 6. Try Jazzercise or some sort of kick butt step aerobics thing 7. To make the holidays more fun for me too 8. Compile a family tree with health conditions of close relatives Finances/Adulting 1. Pay off loan on our truck 2. Redo our will 3. Support local as much as possible 4. Repaint downstairs of our house 5. Paint upstairs bathroom 6. Relearn to change a flat tire Travel/Adventure 1. The ocean 2. Take pole dancing or trapeze class 3. Go deep sea or ice fishing 4. Go to USWNT or NWSL game 5. Get back to Australia 6. Use my kayak 7. A day of antiquing in a new place (i.e. Brass Armadillo-ish) 8. Go whale watching 9. Make plans for a family vacation in the next two years Feeding My Soul 1. Clean my underwear drawer (because why wear anything that doesn't feel comfortable, sexy, etc???) 2. Purge my closet 3. Learn to make homemade bagels 4. Reread my favorite books (Untamed, Dance of the Dissident Daughter, The Best Yes, Almost a Mother, and anything by Esther Perel) 5. Get a tarot card reading 6. Family photos 7. Skinny dip 8. PCC Certification for coaching 9. Write letters to people who have significantly impacted my life 10. Tell Bobby’s story bigger (IYKYK) 11. Take another cooking class or two 12. Do paint by number 13. Learn to be a better composter 14. Write a letter to myself for when I turn 50 15. Host a big party for 40 16. Remember that things don’t have to be hard to be worthy Recently a friend shared that the age she felt most confident, in most authenticity with herself, was 50. DAMN. Being almost 40 feels soooo much more authentic and confident than I did a decade ago, so watch out future. I'm coming for you (or maybe just for more authenticity with me). Want to talk more about any of the ideas on my list? Think you can help me achieve any of them? Want to RSVP to be part of any of them? Any insights you want to lend from your lived experiences? I'd love to Zoom or have coffee and chat. Hit me up!
Hey all! It's great to see you (again)! I'm Jill, and that's me in sunnier, warmer times. I'm getting through winter by coaching amazing people, leading workshops, allowing myself to be snuggly, reading a lot of romance novels, and turning my livingroom into a seed starting paradise for onions, tomatoes and peppers. (Have you caught my disdain for winter?) I'd love to see you at an upcoming workshop or conference! Join me!