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Where There's Smoke.... Your Microwave Might be on Fire

(Originally published as a newsletter on December 7, 2022)

“I have to let you go. I smell smoke.”

These are words I had never uttered to a client during a coaching session. Until last week. And as I ran down the stairs, there was, in fact, smoke. Everywhere. I started throwing open doors and windows and yelling to my ten-year-old to open everything. Smoke was pouring out of the microwave. I put on hot pads, opened the microwave, grabbed the glass tray under the mystery pile of charred stuff, and threw it in the snowbank outside. A few minutes later, I was finally able to debrief with my kiddo about what had happened. He was cold and threw his heat pack, a homemade fleece tube filled with rice, in the microwave. He pushed the 2 and the 0 buttons, heard the microwave start, and promptly went back to his chair, put on his headphones, and tuned into his tablet (and out of absolutely everything happening around him). Until 13 minutes later when I was running down the stairs screaming his name. Apparently his attempt at two minutes of microwaving, normal for his heat pack and something he had done a hundred times, had added a zero. And absolutely fried it. Asteroids have come to Earth less charred. So why do I share this? Because so many of us have put our dreams on autopilot. We do the things, push the buttons, think we know what we want, and then we walk away, failing to give that dream is due attention. Anyone want to share? Okay. I'll go first. In April 2018, I attended my first coach trainings. I fell in love with how coaching transformed people and lives. I went back to my incredible boss and told him how I wanted to figure out any way to integrate coaching into my life and work. And ten days after returning, we lost our third baby at 18 weeks gestation. Coaching took an immediate backseat to grief and just making it through. A few months later, I realized I could never go back to higher education, a career I had been in for almost fifteen years. I resigned. We moved to acreage and I started coaching a few people. Coaching was a fun way I occasionally spent time. Fourteen months later, my husband quit/lost his job and I took an interim role back in higher education to pay the bills. I immediately knew I never wanted to work fulltime in higher ed ever again. Instead of getting frustrated, I negotiated. I was underpaid so I asked them to cover parts of my coach training and support me being away from the office to complete it. They knew they had a leader who knew their environment and would bring the benefits of this training back, even for just a few months in an interim role, so my request was granted. My singular focus on finishing coach training prevailed. My coach certification process started in March 2020, and so did COVID. We lived rurally, so I attended my first virtual class at a friend's house where the internet was one million times better. On the way home from that session, a goose crashed into my windshield at 70+mph. When the state trooper arrived to document the damage, he was pretty pissed he had gotten called out for "a stupid bird in a window." Until he saw the shattered windshield, bent frame, and feathers in the spidered glass. $9K+ in damage and increased fears of COVID later, we no longer traveled into town weekly for my coaching class. Instead, I attended at home with bad internet and my kiddos sliding Ritz crackers under the closed door. Certification continued, in spite of horrible internet, a Canadian goose, home schooling and a pandemic. And now, just four years later, I'm living my dream life. I coach the most amazing people and work with incredible organizations. What was your dream for 2022 (or beyond)? Did you accomplish it? If you’re ready to give your dream laser-focused attention and smash the obstacles, I’d love to invite you to sign up for a 2023 Momentum Session. These are personalized sessions (60 minutes with a 15 minute follow up a month later) at a crazy good rate because following your dreams should be fun. I'd love to help you get your dream (and live mine at the same time)!

The charred object previously known as a heat pack. Your friendly reminder to keep your eyes on the prize!


Women Lead 2023

One of my absolute favorite events with some of the most incredible people is happening in person and virtually on March 8, 2023. Registration is open! Every year I leave this event filled with the energy of being surrounded by so many incredible women, new knowledge, and great connections. I would love to see you there!

I'm thrilled to share that I'll be presenting again this year!


A Heartfelt Thank You

This year has been my favorite year of business yet. And, it's because of you. Thank you for welcoming me into your organizations, lives, and hearts. I can't even call this "work." Instead, it's an invitation to play and be fully present with all of you, and my family, every single day. So thank you for allowing me to live my best life. Until our paths cross again, I'm wishing you the greatest of holidays and an incredible 2023.


Momentum Coaching & Consulting, LLC, 2023

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