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Moving Beauty

Y'all, I've got to apologize. This week has been moving week, from our tiny little busting at the seams city house to our spacious, natural light filled house on acreage in the country. For as many years as we can remember, this has been our dream, to hear birds and insects, smell fresh air, and see shooting stars. Whenever we pictured this future, it was absent of the actual process of moving.

If you've ever embarked on moving, it starts off as a sort of beautiful orchestrated event with well labeled neatly stacked boxes color coded with a special tape for each room. By the end, the conductor's baton is broke and hair is more mad scientist than refined musician. You find yourself walking through rooms, throwing in anything you can find, which, in our house includes all of those odd shaped things you have avoided until now, coupled with the random lego lights, nerf darts, and cat toys that were long lost under the normal chaos of day to day life. You know the outcome of this process is going to be amazing, but in the midst of boxes, tape, and everything else, it's hard to see the beauty.

When have you found yourself in the muddiness of the midpoint of a project? How did you lean into the beauty you knew was to come? Send me your energy and inspiration this weekend dear friends! I'm looking forward to another amazing new beginning!

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